How Sales Technology Tools Massively Impact Your Real Estate Marketing 10 years ago


Have you considered how much of an impact using sales technology tools could have on your real estate marketing? It wasn’t that long ago that realtors were relying solely on print media for a listing presentation or harassing their friends and family nonstop for real estate leads. Things like online lead generation or a real estate CRM didn’t even exist yet.  After stumbling upon this great infographic about being a realtor in an online world, it made me think how far we have come and how far we have to go. Have you integrated all of these tools into your real estate marketing strategies for 2015?While some offline methods like networking will always be tried and true, if you are not venturing into all avenues of social media networking, then you are probably already missing the technological boat.  Social media channels are a great way to listen in on the pulse of the industry and get fresh real estate marketing ideas for realtors.

The days of sticking a For Sale sign in the front yard, holding an open house and calling it a day are over. We now have micro location marketing for your For Sale signs, 3D technology for your remote open houses and even digital real estate listing presentations.

And instead of newspaper ads, busy signals and answering machines, a tech savvy agent will have cutting edge, content creation skills for blogging, the latest texting techniques & up to date email etiquette for weekly newsletters and email marketing campaigns. The use of real estate technology is no longer a luxury but crucial to keeping your competitive advantage in the real estate industry.

What areas of real estate technology are you still struggling to adopt? And in what area have you had massive success? What real estate apps are you using? Let us know!



If you need more incentives to adopt more real estate technology tools, check out this amusing video that RESAAS created to help coax old-school agents into adopting the latest technology and social media tools.


For more weekly tips, tools and trends to help you become better luxury real estate marketing & sell more real estate this year, consider subscribing to our newsletter.


Need to close more deals? Download our invaluable Elite Sales Process, a customizable 10 stage sales process, to help you increase your lead contact rate and convert more leads into long-term customers. 

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