Power of Positivity, Motivation & Goal Setting in Luxury Real Estate 10 years ago


Starting off 2015 with a bang is essential to creating a successful year in both your professional and personal life. How do you want to approach challenges? How do you want to create opportunities? In this video, Krista Ferrera describes the “Power of Positivity, Motivation & Goal Setting in Real Estate”. To help you formulate your goals this year & to help you problem solve any step along the way, read more about “Mindstorming”, an amazingly simple technique for brainstorming for Real Estate Professionals.  It is an invaluable asset for problem solving and goal setting in luxury real estate that can be used year round.

Mindstorming is an excellent first step towards goal setting and keeping yourself on track whether it’s your personal or professional life. For real estate professionals, this is a great method for coming up with unique ideas for anything from lead generation to networking to internet marketing.

With the Mindstorming “20 Question Method”, the idea is to sit down every morning and ask yourself a specific question related to how you are going to grow your business, increase sales, etc.  You then commit to writing down twenty answers. Go over your final list and pick one that can be acted on immediately. From there you can set goals and timetables to follow up on the top answers.

For example, if you want to increase your leads by 50 percent over the next year, you would write something like “What can I do to increase my leads by 50 percent over the next 12 months?” Or, you can be even more specific by writing the exact amount. If you are earning $50,000 a year today, you would write, “What can I do to increase my income to $75,000 over the next 12 months?”

For extra credit, you can take the top immediate answer and perform the 20 question method on that idea on the best way to put it to work. Once you use mindstorming, you’ll find the floodgates are open and you’ll start thinking of more creative ideas throughout the day.

So go ahead, get that 2nd cup of coffee and get started right now. Here’s what to do:

1. Make a list of your 10 most difficult issues in your business. Select your most important goal of the moment.

2. Practice Mindstorming on this goal by writing it out in the form a question and then create 20 answers to that question.

3. Choose 1 answer from your list and take action on it immediately. Do something every day that moves you toward this goal.

Let us know your results and what other goal setting techniques have worked for you!



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