The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Real Estate Social Media Posts 10 years ago

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How are your social media campaigns going this year? Do you have any set up? Many realtors are still intimidated by social media and struggle to create engaging posts. Some will post periodically without even having a strategy in place.  Each social media platform has a different set of rules that require unique strategies to help get your real estate listings and valuable content promoted. What works on Twitter often will not work on Facebook. Are you engaging in groups on LinkedIn? Are you using visuals and direct links to your website on Facebook? Are you shortening and tracking your links on Twitter?

The wildly successful internet marketer Neil Patel from QuickSprout posted today this awesome cheat sheet on “How to Create the Perfect Social Post”. It covers five social media platforms to help your real estate social media posts outperform even up against your most competitive realtors. Learn to integrate the most important elements when creating posts on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Google +.

What to do now

Some of these may seem basic, but many of the obvious points are often left out when realtors post on social media. Do an audit of your posts over the last week and see how many elements you left out. Save this image and review it every time you go to schedule a batch of social media posts on real estate. This is a perfect guide to come back to over and over again. Use these tools to stand out from your competition and create an effective real estate social media campaign this year.

Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Real Estate Social Media Posts
Courtesy of: Quick Sprout

For more social media tips and strategies sign up for our Sales Tech Saturday newsletter.  And for the latest social media trends in real estate for 2015 check out our latest blog post here.


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