It's Becoming Easier for Real Estate Agents to Add More Passive Income, Here's How 7 years ago

Same Presentation Different Agent

Above: the same Four Seasons Private Residences Napa Valley website uniquely represented by two different agents.

Passive Income: income requiring very little effort by the recipient.

Those who can generate more than one source of income without much effort are typically the most successful.

It’s a common point of emphasis by most self employed entrepreneurial-types.

Growing personal wealth through listing and selling real estate in your local market is one income stream. Now you need a second, passive income stream. You can do this by referring extraordinary developments in other markets that your network might have an interest in.

This strategy is passive because it requires very little work – no work if you employ an assistant.

My firm can connect you with a growing selection of the finest real estate developments in the world that are looking to build referral networks in their feeder markets.

Here’s the kicker, these developments are often (but not always) in second home destinations.

The deal breaker was that agents could never be assured of receiving credit for public promotion of other properties, so referrals have never been a major component of developers’ sales plans. However, if the developer is a client of ours, that’s a problem of the past.

This means that most of their buyers are not local. So they are forced to spend big dollars on advertising or local event marketing to generate awareness for their property.

That’s expensive, so developers are (usually) quite happy to provide a strong referral fee for those who send them buyers.

But many real estate agents consider themselves too busy to effectively generate additional, passive income streams. This is no longer true, more on that in a second.

Put your developer hat on. There are plenty of high net worth investors that routinely peruse publications like The Wall Street Journal for real estate opportunities. But less than 1% of developments can be found there.

So an agent proactively sending out an email to their database or posting a blurb on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter about a real estate development is absolute gold for developers. Credible promotion from agents in feeder markets means more qualified leads for developers and they are happy to pay a large referral fee in return.

The deal breaker was that agents could never be assured of receiving credit for public promotion of other properties, so referrals have never been a major component of developers’ sales plans. However, if the developer is a client of ours, that’s a problem of the past.

We provide referral agents with their own personally branded website for each development they choose to promote. The website includes their personal contact information and a smart form automatically copies them on every lead that inquires.

Now it’s easy to publicly and proactively promote the finest developments in other markets.

So consider a new passive income source, a transparent referral program with us. There is very little effort and no cost.


~ Eric

P.S.  As always, would love to hear your feedback on this concept.

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