Clearview Elite Cookies Policy 7 years ago

Cookies Policy and Use


What are cookies?

Cookies are created when your browser loads the website. The website sends information to the browser which then creates a text file. Cookies are stored on your device for various periods of time, from as short time as the duration of your browsing session to several months.

Every time you come back to the website, the browser retrieves and sends cookies to the server, which helps to improve your experience of the website by:

  • Remembering settings, so you don’t have to re-enter them every time you visit
  • Measuring use of the website so that we can see where we can improve

You can manage and/or delete these small files from your device, but please be aware that this will limit the functionality that we are able to offer to you.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage or remove them, please visit

What cookies do we use?

All data collected in our system is only that data provided by consumers or our clients. Data collected by Clearview Elite is purposely given to us directly from the consumer via sign up forms. Data collected from our customers is from their own proprietary databases and is not used by Clearview Elite for any reason. Client consumer data is only imported to our system for their own personal marketing use. Clearview Elite does not use any consumer data provided by our customers, nor do we purchase or scrape data from any other third party website or social media outlet.

Clearview Elite cookies: – This is our proprietary software platform for Clearview Elite users. This is not a public, consumer facing system and does not pull or utilize any consumer data from third party or social media websites. There are several uses for cookies on this platform. Cookies are used to:

  1. Remember the user so they do not have to login over and over again from their computer.
  2. Report to the user when, how often and what pages their consumers have viewed. This is similar to Google Analytics.

Craft CMS – Clearview Elite provides services to real estate firms that include the development of real estate websites. The “Contact”, “Agent” or “About” page on these real estate websites can be represented by different users anywhere in the world. Cookies created for our Craft CMS websites remember which user’s websites is being viewed in your browser. As a consumer if you type in the URL then your browser will remember the referring agent who provided the website to you in the first place. This is to protect the referral agent so they are provided the credit they deserve in the event you choose to purchase real estate.

Third party cookies:

Google Analytics – we use Google Analytics cookies to understand better how we can improve our website, its performance and which pages are providing the most value to our audience.

Drift – we use Drift cookies to differentiate between new and returning viewers and clients/users for our live chat functionality. Recurring visitors will be able to continue conversations or review previous conversations as long as they have not been deleted.

You may also view our Privacy Policy.

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