Who to Follow on Twitter for the Best Luxury Real Estate Content 10 years ago


If done correctly, Twitter can be a very powerful tool for real estate professionals. It is a great way to build personal relationships beyond just selling your luxury real estate properties. Creating valuable content to distribute through your social media channels is essential in driving traffic to your luxury real estate website.  

The Rochester Real Estate Blog has put together a list of who’s who of the Real Estate Industry to Follow on Twitter. Following these Top 50 Twitter accounts can help you get content immediately for your blog and social media accounts. This is also a great opportunity to get up to date tips, news and information from industry leaders. 

Below are our Top 5 Favorite Twitter influencers that we at Clearview follow to help us create great Luxury Real Estate content.

1.  Bill GassettTop Selling Hopkinton, MA Real Estate Agent

Veteran Tweeter Bill Gassett is quite frankly all over Twitter with almost 45,000 tweets and almost 20,000 Twitter followers. A top producing real estate agent from Massachusetts, Bill tweets and retweets some of the most relevant real estate content I’ve found on Twitter. He is an absolute must-follow on Twitter.  Follow Bill Gassett on Twitter at – @massrealty 

2.  Debbie Drummond, Top Selling Las Vegas, NV Luxury Real Estate Agent

Another must- follow on Twitter is Debbie for her focus on the luxury real estate industry.  She often tweets her own content direct from her real estate blog while retweeting others as well.  With over 11,600 tweets and over 2,200 followers on Twitter, Debbie has plenty to offer luxury real estate realtors. Follow Debbie Drummond on Twitter at: @VegasHomePro 

3. Real Estate MortgageBlogging Community for Real Estate & Mortgage Professionals

Real Estate Mortgage offers a wealth of great real estate and mortgage tweets and content. With over 11,500 tweets and 2,600+ followers, Real Estate Mortgage is a no-brainer follow on Twitter. Follow Real Estate Mortgage on Twitter – @MortgageRealty 


4. Kyle Hiscock, Top Selling Irondequoit, NY Real  Estate Agent

Kyle is the power behind the ROC Real Estate Blog and a very active & relevant Twitter feed  with over 2,000 tweets and almost 800 Twitter followers. This one is definitely one to watch. Follow Kyle Hiscock on Twitter at: @KyleHiscockRE 


5. RESAAS, A Real Estate Industry Platform Powered By Real Estate Agents

RESAAS is a one of a kind real estate social network. With over 6,000 tweets and over 23,600 followers, the very active RESAAS twitter account is a great place for real estate agents to gain referrals, attract leads and generate results. Follow RESAAS on Twitter at: @RESAAS 

To read more about the Top 50 real estate professionals to follow on Twitter, check out the Rochester Real Estate Blog. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter if you aren’t already. We’d love to tweet you there!


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