How to Close a Luxury Real Estate Lead: Converting Online Prospects 10 years ago

With the rise of online generated leads, one of the challenges in luxury real estate sales today is creating a personal relationship and converting online prospects into long term clients. By leveraging an effective sales process and implementing tools like a CRM, automation, personalization and content segmentation, you can begin to close your online luxury real estate leads far more quickly and successfully.

Research has proven that personalized emails have a 14% increase in click-through rates and 10% increase in conversion rates. And yet, conversion doesn’t stop online. Refresh states that majority of sales are made during the fifth to the twelfth contact and nearly half of all salespeople never follow up with a prospect, which is an easily avoidable mistake. 

This infographic from Refresh gives us five basic ways to close sales leads, complete with data on why each action is effective. 

How to Successfully Convert Online Luxury Real Estate Prospects into Clients

A large part of creating an unbeatable sales system is adopting effective processes to help consistently prospect, qualify, sell and close deals. Once you have a system in place, rinse and repeat. Then do a thorough gap analysis to find any weak points that need to be strengthened. When your system is rock solid, hire the right team to help you make it scalable. Often luxury real estate brokerages will find there is inconsistent lead response or follow up somewhere along the process. Setting up a consistent & detailed sale process can help empower any realtor selling in the luxury market.

For more weekly tips, tools and trends to help you become a better luxury real estate marketer & sell more real estate this year, consider subscribing to our newsletter.


Need to close more deals? Download our invaluable Elite Sales Process, a customizable 10 stage sales process, to help you increase your lead contact rate and convert more leads into long-term customers. 


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