5 Luxury Real Estate Tech Predictions to Increase Your Sales in 2015 10 years ago



Inman just posted their Top 10 Real Estate Technology Insights for 2015. I think this is a great indicator of how luxury real estate technology is becoming the standard for increasing sales in the real estate industry. Most of these insights I would say are the basics needed to succeed. But if you are still standing on the shore looking out at the technological boat that is leaving, take a look at these top 5 tips to help build your luxury real estate business in 2015.

Make sure to focus on these top 5 technological predictions this year:

1. Mobile will become the indisputable focal point of real estate technology.

Read more about the mobile technology trend in real estate from one of our previous posts including studies done in 2014 by NAR here.

luxury real estate technology for 2015

2. iBeacon technology will be used to post signs.

Here’s a great video describing the micro location marketing process for realtors. You can also read more about other beacon technology for real estate including Beamly from Brightdoor in one of our previous posts



3. Prepare for instant, practical applications of real estate technology, from mailing postcards via an app to on-demand showings.



Check out the video above as one simple real estate marketing technology example of what you can do to get a jump on your competition this year. Read more on the importance of real time response and the easy steps you need to take in 2015 in our post “How to Become a Real Estate Tech Ninja”.

4. Online lead generation technology will enable agents to more effectively target and cultivate leads.



Check out the above Zillow webinar for Lead Generation Tips & Ideas you can use in 2015.  And read more with our 8 easy tips for lead generation in our ultra valuable post “Improve Real Estate Lead Generation by Understanding Your Customer“.

5. Analytics will begin to play a bigger role and enable agents to measure ROI more accurately.



Learn how to create a Luxury Real Estate Marketing ROI plan with our video and post “Winning the Zulia Game with a Marketing ROI Plan”

You can read Inman’s original article with the Top 10 Real Estate Technology Insights for 2015 here.

To keep up to date year round on the latest luxury real estate marketing technology news, tips and trends consider signing up for our newsletter to help make this your most successful year ever.


Need to close more deals? Download our invaluable Elite Sales Process, a customizable 10 stage sales process, to help you increase your lead contact rate and convert more leads into long-term customers. 

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