The Best Luxury Real Estate Agents are the Best Marketers 10 years ago


The biggest challenge in the real estate industry is lead generation. How do you get more clients?  Stellar marketing is the clear answer.  Real estate agents that view themselves as true marketers are the ones that will often realize the most lucrative results. Once you’ve embodied this identity shift beyond mere luxury real estate agent to rockstar marketer, you will be ready to amp up your marketing skills to target even the most savvy clientele. The foundational step and also the quickest, easiest way to create a competitive advantage within this top tier, is to adopt more digital marketing tools. From digital listing presentations to lead response tracking systems to optimized blogs and automated social media publishing. Start today by asking yourself:


What type of marketing campaigns are you currently running to actually get clients in the door?


What digital tools are you using to promote your unique services as a real estate professional?


What tools are you using to create the best listing presentation, the best lead response, the best lead generation system? Review EVERY step of your sales process to see how you can get ahead. (Don’t know where to start? Check out the steps in our Elite Sales Process to see how you can compete.)


What are you doing in 2015 to make yourself the best marketer in the luxury real estate industry?


Even if statistically most realtors have not yet adopted cutting edge luxury real estate technology, that does not mean you have to keep within the status quo. You are missing out on a HUGE opportunity to get ahead in the technology game and take your business to the next level.  Improving your technological marketing skills can give you an invaluable competitive advantage that will keep you producing results long into the future before offline realtors even realize what happened to their industry.

The gap is wide between those unwilling to adopt real estate marketing technology and to those building their real estate technology toolkit to better serve their most elite clients. This provides a timely opportunity for winning over more clients, maximizing your lead generation results and will ultimately help you increase your luxury real estate sales every year.  

Check out this great video from George Cuevas from Agent Redefined discussing why the best agents are often the best marketers.



Agent Redefined just released it’s official Online Marketing Plan ebook to help fine tune your marketing skills. Currently only available via iPad but PDF coming soon.  We’re also looking forward to the release of their Facebook Marketing Course for Realtors to help us demystify, yet again, Facebook’s latest algorithm!

And for more weekly tips, tools and trends to help you become a better luxury real estate marketer & sell more real estate this year, consider subscribing to our Sales Tech Saturday.

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