6 Steps to Effective Email Marketing for Luxury Real Estate 10 years ago

An effective email campaign can be just as successful as a social media campaign to drive traffic to your luxury real estate website. If done right it can produce even higher engagement results. Email marketing for luxury real estate can often be overwhelming to realtors. With so many decisions to prioritize like subject lines, optimal delivery times, graphics & image searches, most realtors don’t know where to start.  

Pardot has posted this valuable infographic to walk you through the most critical steps of creating an effective sales email. Whether you are selling multi million dollar second homes or a less than that condo, clients are clients. Nurturing longterm client relationships, and specifically lead response, is what consistently closes deals. Use this infographic to make sure your email marketing lead generation and lead response is generating results.

Effective Email Marketing for Luxury Real Estate

These 6 basic points should get you up and running with refreshing your email marketing content in 2015. For more email creation tips and email templates for lead response after offline engagements, check out Hubspot’s “Sales Followup Emails the Pros Use”.  And for more tips on email etiquette, read our previous post “5 Tips on How to Not Lose Subscribers”

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