Lead Generation in 2018 Should Include a Referral Network Plan 7 years ago

Build Your Global Network

As you’re brainstorming lead generation initiatives for 2018 consider something new.

Referred leads are traditionally more interested and qualified and referral marketing is more targeted and cost effective.

So consider building a referral network.

At Clearview Elite we’re all in on the power of referrals. So much so that we re-designed our entire website around it.

Referral programs have been difficult in the past because:

  • You’re busy! Building a network of referral partners has been time consuming and difficult
  • It was too much work for the referral partner and they would never give up their list
  • Referral partners were always concerned that they wouldn’t receive credit for their referral

But it makes all the sense in the world to solve these issues and get better at referrals.

So we’re checking the boxes.

And guess what? Reaching high net worth buyers that reside in the private databases of the top Brokers and Agents in your feeder markets is getting easier.

Here’s how: Elite Referral Platform.

Add some optimism and excitement to your strategy meetings and maximize ROI in 2018!

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