I Found My "Why", What's Yours? 7 years ago

Simon Sinek's Golden Circle

Those who create truly special experiences for others deserve exceptional success for themselves.

That’s our “why”.

It wasn’t easy to figure out, it took several weeks of diving deep. I looked deep into my past experiences, from childhood all the way to today, and spent a lot of time reflecting on how I see the world. What motivates me? What pisses me off? What makes me happy or sad?

I owe the experience to Simon Sinek and his book Start With Why. If you want a condensed version that still covers it really well watch his TED talk.

After following Simon’s advice, I eventually whittled everything down to a single sentence.

Those who create truly special experiences for others deserve exceptional success for themselves.

I truly believe this statement, for any individual in any business in any industry.

I drove through Mister Car Wash recently and the guy who checked me in glanced at the tag on my windshield and said “Thanks for being a monthly customer.”

He didn’t have to say that, he wasn’t a manager and definitely not the owner. But there is no doubt the owner pays attention to detail and their passion for the business is most certainly embraced by their employees.

Those who own and manage Mister Car Wash have a purpose of their own and it reflects in the quality of the product and service they deliver; a shiny-clean car with a smile and wave of the hand every time I pull up.

This is what gets my blood flowing. I love businesses that treat me well and I don’t care for those that don’t.

This is why Clearview Elite exists today, this is my purpose. I am in a position to help those who deliver truly special experiences in real estate, to achieve exceptional successes for themselves.

By arming our clients with sales and marketing tools equal in quality to the level of service they provide, they can more quickly realize the exceptional success they deserve.

Following Simon Sinek’s logic, this is our “how”.  ClearviewElite.com explains our “what”, the things that we use to deliver our “how”.

The rest of the team here has fully bought in as well. We are aligned in our thinking and in our purpose and it really feels good!

If our “why” resonates with you then I’d like to talk with you.

What’s your why?


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