Why You Need a Blog for Innovative Luxury Real Estate Marketing 10 years ago


Have you been resisting starting a blog? The thought of blogging often intimidates many realtors.  And yet blogging is an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy.  Blogging is a great way to create or maintain a competitive advantage amongst those who have yet to recognize the importance of building a digital presence. If you are still stalling, read on to find out why blogging is critical to your luxury real estate marketing for generating new clients and staying innovative in your industry.  If you already have a blog, watch the video below to find new insights, strategies and tools to make your blog better and more effective for your business this year. 

Your blog serves to act as a hub to connect all of your content and social media networks together. Your content is the foundation for all information delivered through your distribution channels: email newsletters, ebooks, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +. Blogging is the core of most successful digital marketing strategies.

Here are four reasons why every realtor needs a blog for innovative luxury real estate marketing:

Give your brand a voice:  A blog is a great place to share information about your new services, techniques, tips on for home buyers and sellers. You can comment on timely trends or topics in a personal way that connects with your prospects.

Win the SEO game:  Plant the right keywords on your blog and over time watch the traffic roll in. If you are relying solely on your website that’s updated twice a year to bring in new traffic, you are in trouble.

Make Yourself Relevant:  Having a blog allows you a place to consistently update your image & distribute valuable content to your potential customers. When people visit your blog they will see that you are on the cutting edge of new trends and tips within the real estate market. Blogging can help you claim your own timeliness and relevance.

Show Your Expert Status:  Blogging is a great way to show off your knowledge in your niche market. The more timely and relevant your posts are the more likely you will start to be seen as an expert in your field.

Consider your blog as a low-to-no cost, long term investment. Every single post that you create, no matter how short, is a long term asset that will build brand awareness and promote your expertise and services. This seems like a no brainer to me. Why would you not start one today?

Still not convinced? Check out 19 more reasons to start a blog today over at Sprout Content.  And for more blogging resources:

Read How Many Blog Posts Should Real Estate Agents Really Be Writing

Read 100 Real Estate Blog Topic Ideas

Watch How to Create a Real Estate Blog in Less than 10 Minutes 

Watch Agent Caffeinie Discussion on Power Blogging for Real Estate Agents

Check out this informative video posted last week from Brian Icenhower from TheRealEstateTrainer.com discussing real estate blog ideas that increase website traffic with SEO expert Tyler Zey.



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