Guest Blogger - Mr. Vic Tim 12 years ago

Meet Mr. Vic Tim:real estate mistakes

Hello and thank you for allowing me to chime in from time to time on this blog. For my first entry I just wanted to let you know that I’m not a big fan of “blogging” but I will do my best because I’ve got nothing better to do. I’d also like to apologize for not delivering this post as I said I would last Friday, my computer froze. Computer problems (and real estate mistakes) always happens to me for some reason.

I am in sales right now at a beautiful resort in the Caribbean and I’ve been noticing that people aren’t contacting me. They request information from me, I send it to them about 10 days later with a note that says “Call me to discuss this more” and they simply don’t do it! What’s up with these people! I think most leads are just window shopping and don’t have any interest in buying anything anyway.

I work with a guy who sells well but he’s just lucky. He always seems to get people on the phone and he’s been pretty busy lately. In fact, he’s sold several villas in the last few months and now the people he sold them to are actually referring their friends to him. Totally lucky. Meanwhile, I get screwed because my buyers don’t know anybody to refer.

On another topic, don’t you think Solitaire gets boring after a while? I’ve totally mastered that game and now I’m looking for new ones, anybody have any recommendations? I need something that might take longer. I have too much time in the day and outside of lunch, I need to keep busy with something in the afternoons.

Oh! My alarm went off which means it’s 4:55. Time to get out of here!

Post any recommendations or comments below and I’ll try to get to them tomorrow when I get in.

Vic Tim.

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