Does a Social Media, Tech Savvy, Luxury Real Estate Agent Make More Money? 10 years ago


If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, then you know that technology adoption for luxury realtors is crucial for staying alive in the luxury real estate industry. But how much more successful can technology make you compared to your competitors? Will using cutting edge technologies & social media really make you more money?  How much more? Will it make you enough to justify the expenses and time spent learning new technologies? Review these sobering statistics below and you decide how much you want to make this year. Here’s a hint….it’s realllllllly worth it.

Thanks to New American Funding for putting together this great infographic using statistics from Inman News. As you see below, all areas of social media are covered and clearly relevant if you are wanting to increase your income in luxury real estate this year. There were two important points that stood out for me.

  1. If you are updating your website or blog only once a month, there is a high probability that you’re going to make less than $50K a year. Or if you are in the luxury real estate industry whatever you are making will certainly be far less than your competitors if you’re posting only once a month online. Need more content ideas? Check out our previous video & post Blog Content Strategies for your Luxury Real Estate Marketing.
  2. 82% of high income earners have YouTube channels.  I can’t see a better reason to start recording videos now for your blog.  For even more tips on video marketing check out our previous post on Why Every Luxury Realtor Needs Video in their Luxury Real Estate Marketing.


Now after reading this, would you consider yourself a social media tech savvy luxury real estate agent? What social media techniques are you trying to catch up to speed on? Which social media channels or cutting edge technologies have left you in the dust? Don’t worry, even if you are behind the pack, the time spent starting now to learn these new techniques will easily pay off in the future and keep you way ahead of technology resisters. 


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