Top 5 Biggest Real Estate Social Media Trends in 2015 - Are you Ready? 10 years ago

Real Estate Social Media 2015

Here at Clearview Elite, we are working on our 2015 marketing plan, setting new goals, evaluating what worked and what didn’t in 2014. The holiday downtime is a great time to refocus your intentions and reinvigorate your purpose to launch into 2015. If planned right, this could be your best year ever in real estate.

In planning our 2015 social media campaigns, I came across this great article written by Erica Campbell Byrum the Social Media Director at  As a real estate social media expert, she evaluates the top 5 Social Media Trends of 2015. 

Here are the Top 5: 

  1. Create a sense of “Youtility” – Make your marketing useful
  2. Image-based Content Rules – Keep your content image focused
  3. Activate Employees & Fans – Your employees are your ambassadors
  4. Go Mobile or Go Home – Responsive mobile design is crucial 
  5. Pay to Play Goes Mainstream – Paid ads really do work

For more detailed coverage of these trends, check out the original article at RIS Media

If 5 trends aren’t enough to build out your social media plan for 2015, Erica has created an awesome Slideshare with the Top 10 Social Media Trends in Real Estate for 2015.


Also for more master tactics for building your 2015 real estate business with social media, Ali McCourt Trulia’s Senior Social Media Manager delves into 2015 trends and how to evolve your social media presence in this webinar below.



2015 is clearly the year of content marketing. If you can make your content marketing so useful that people would pay for it AND make it visually focused you will be way ahead of the game. Throw in some paid ads,  employee ambassadors and responsive mobile design then you are ready to go for 2015. If you haven’t already started, make sure you include all of these points in your social media plan for next year.  Only 2 more weeks left until 2015!

For more weekly tips, tools and trends to help you become a better luxury real estate marketer & sell more real estate this year, consider subscribing to our newsletter.

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