Luxury Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2015 & more 11 years ago

In this week’s Real Estate Sales Technology news we look at Faster Real Estate Closing Times with New Tech Startups, Innovative Luxury Real Estate Marketing Strategies, Real Estate Marketing Secrets for 2015,  Facebook Lead Generation for Real Estate and the Best WordPress Plugins for your Real Estate Website.

Real Estate Closings in 3 days with New Tech Startups

With rapidly advancing real estate sales technology, buyers & sellers are now having more control on how their house is bought or sold, and more importantly how quickly it is sold. Buying or selling a home can be a long drawn out process lasting more than 3 months.  OpenDoor, a new startup that just raised $9.95 million, helps sellers get instant offers and close in 3 days. “Were trying to take the 90-day process, convert into a few clicks online and make it simple easy and fast,” says co-founder Eric Wu.

While the jury is still out on whether this new sales technology will be beneficial to brokers or render them obsolete. One thing we do know is that OpenDoor has the committed support of many well known angel investors including a Paypal co-founder, a former YouTube & Facebook CFO, a former Twitter VP, a Square COO and a Yelp CEO just to name a few.

Read more about how OpenDoor will change the real estate buying and selling process at Forbes, TechCrunch and GeekEstate.

Luxury Home Marketing Strategies using Innovative Real Estate Marketing Technology

What are you willing to do to sell your luxury home? Luxury real estate is all about lifestyle. Many real estate agents are catching on to the benefits of selling not just beautiful properties but the lifestyle behind them.  Playing on unique location advantages, some high end realtors are adapting their marketing strategies to offer their clients skiing adventures in Colorado or private plane rides for aerial views of potential backyards in California.

Jack Cotton, a real estate agent in Cape Cod, Mass., takes potential buyers out on his powerboat. “That’s kind of our secret weapon,” he told CNN Money, referring to his boat. The rides allow his clients to get a feel for the nearby waterways in order to “experience the lifestyle of being here.”                                           

The luxury real estate market is competitive. Part of the luxury lifestyle is in keeping up with the latest cutting edge technologies for property presentation and communication.  Some agents are even using drone technology to help with aerial photos in their marketing strategies for luxury real estate properties.  Zillow is even reporting that Millennials are the next new luxury real estate buyers.  

Watch CNN’s coverage below of what it takes to sell luxury homes below or read more about Luxury Real Estate Marketing Strategies at CNN or MarketLeader





Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2015

In anticipation of Inman’s Real Estate Connect this week, Placester has created a very informative slideshare of tips from most of the Real Estate Pros speaking at the conference.

One of the tips comes from Katie Lance CEO at Katie Lance Consulting: “Storytelling and a comprehensive content strategy are vital. I am seeing more brokerages starting to understand the value of telling their story and creatiing valuable content – not just blasting out marketing messages on social media, but truly telling the story of their culture and their passion for the business.”

Check out the SlideShare below for more Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2015. 


Facebook for Real Estate Agents – Take it or Leave it?

Inman just posted this great article about the debate on the potential of lead generation using Facebook for Real Estate.  For the most part, Real Estate agents take one of two approaches when confronted with Real Estate Marketing with Facebook.

  1. They ignore Facebook. See it as unprofessional, a time suck or not valuable for lead generation.
  2. They spend all of their time on Facebook trying all the latest greatest techniques without researching how Facebook can work for Real Estate Marketing.

Just because a lead isn’t ready to buy now doesn’t mean they won’t ever be willing to buy or sell real estate. This is why it is imperative that you be in front of their face at the right time. Facebook is a valid lead generation tool that you can use to appeal to leads in their differing levels of readiness.

Converting a lead takes time. Facebook can provide an excellent lead-generating funnel. Here are just some of the ways to generate leads via Facebook.

  • Running ads targeted towards your business page fans getting them to like, share or comment (this pushes your content into more fans’ news feeds).
  • Utilizing headers and profile photos on your business page with solid call-to-action captures.
  • Utilizing your personal profile on a daily basis, by integrating your personal life and your business.

Read more of the different Facebook lead generation techniques at Inman.


Clearview’s Tuesday Tech Tip: The Best 20 WordPress Plugins 

Instead of just one tip this week, we are providing 20 Tech Tips courtesy of Buffer who has collected a list of some of the best 20 WordPress Plugins.  Wordpress is an amazing content management & blogging tool that we here at Clearview use along with Hubspot for our marketing.

One of my favorites of the 20 listed is WordPress SEO by Yoast. For both experts and beginners alike, Yoast provides a seamless and intuitive approach to SEO to make sure all your blog posts are uber optimized.  To discover all 20 Plugins, read more here.

For more weekly tips, tools and trends to help you become better luxury real estate marketing & sell more real estate this year, consider subscribing to our newsletter.


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